Bleaching knots not only protects your precious locks but also gives the illusion that the hair is springing up from your own scalp
1. What to use to bleach knots ?
Aluminum Foil
Aluminum Foil
Mixing Brush
Mixing Bowl
Plastic butter knife or comb.
Your Closure/Frontal/Lace Wig
Blow dryer(optional)
2.Steps to bleach knots
- Pour some of the bleach in the mixing bowl.Mix bleach powder in bowl to a tooth paste like consistency
- Apply bleach mixing to lace closure with plastic butter knifeor comb
- Cover with foil, turn over and let sit for 10-15minutes.
- Wash with shampoo.
- air dry the lace closure
3.What do to if over bleach
- If you add too much developer to your bleach powder, gradually add more power until you get the consistency perfect like cake batter.
- Also, check the knots on your closure every 5-10 minutes after it has processed for 25 minutes. This will help ensure that you remove the bleach before the knots begin to over process.
4.Bleached knots before and after
Bleaching knots reduce their visibility and help make the hair appear as if it is growing from the scalp,here is a photo of the difference between bleach vs no bleach
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